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Software Repositories

There are many software repositories for the Vector, cloud servers, and interoperating with Vector. This pages lists a few. The diagram below summarises some of the main ones:

Figure: Synopsis of the main repositories for Vector's software, the cloud software, and interacting with him via an SDK

Programmers API, Guides and Examples

The main PC/Mobile SDK (HTTPS API) include:

  • Python Communication SDK: Vector - Python SDK
  • The original python SDK This is a python framework to access Vector remotely. OUTDATED
  • C# Communication SDK: Anki.Vector.SDK This is a .NET framework to access Vector remotely from a Windows, Linux or Mac OS computer.

  • C# Anki.Vector.WebVizSDK to access the WebViz related information in developer builds.

  • C# Anki.Resources.SDK to access, analyze local (that is, on your computer) copies of the Vectors' application resources/assets

  • Go SDK
    This is a Go-based API to access Vector remotely.

  • See the SDKs above for examples how to use each

  • The Escape Pod Extension framework allows extending the EscapePod to support other voice-command features / connections to cloud servers. The repository includes examples.

  • The repository defines the cloud and SDK protobufs used to interfaces with them. The information in this repository is used by both the robot and the cloud.

  • The OPUS audio code is used to encode and transport the spoken audio to the cloud (Chipper) and then decode it on the cloud server.

The software running on Vector

  • Vector-cloud This is the code for the vic-cloud and vic-gateway applications that run on Vector.

  • Chipper This is the repository for go-based server receiving data from Vector.

  • The api-clients reposistory holds the interfaces and tools that connect Chipper to others modules on the cloud server.

  • The hugh repository holds a framework that acts as a template gRPC server and utilities.

Source Code Location for each Program

Main service repo location
vic-cloud repo
Offboard Vision
Token client
Voice stream
vic-gateway repo
in /gateway

Bluetooth LE tools

Bluetooth LE implementations. There isn't an SDK for the Bluetooth LE protocol, but there are a few implementations that you might wish to look at/reuse:

Bluetooth LE implementations. There isn't an SDK for the Bluetooth LE protocol, but there are a few implementations that you might wish to look at/reuse: