Software Repositories¶
There are many software repositories for the Vector, cloud servers, and interoperating with Vector. This pages lists a few. The diagram below summarises some of the main ones:
Figure: Synopsis of the main repositories for Vector's software, the cloud software, and interacting with him via an SDK
Programmers API, Guides and Examples¶
The main PC/Mobile SDK (HTTPS API) include:
- Python Communication SDK: Vector - Python SDK
- The original python SDK This is a python framework to access Vector remotely. OUTDATED
C# Communication SDK: Anki.Vector.SDK This is a .NET framework to access Vector remotely from a Windows, Linux or Mac OS computer.
C# Anki.Vector.WebVizSDK to access the WebViz related information in developer builds.
C# Anki.Resources.SDK to access, analyze local (that is, on your computer) copies of the Vectors' application resources/assets
This is a Go-based API to access Vector remotely. -
See the SDKs above for examples how to use each
Other interface-related repositories¶
The Escape Pod Extension framework allows extending the EscapePod to support other voice-command features / connections to cloud servers. The repository includes examples.
The repository defines the cloud and SDK protobufs used to interfaces with them. The information in this repository is used by both the robot and the cloud.
The OPUS audio code is used to encode and transport the spoken audio to the cloud (Chipper) and then decode it on the cloud server.
The software running on Vector¶
Vector-cloud This is the code for the vic-cloud and vic-gateway applications that run on Vector.
Chipper This is the repository for go-based server receiving data from Vector.
The api-clients reposistory holds the interfaces and tools that connect Chipper to others modules on the cloud server.
The hugh repository holds a framework that acts as a template gRPC server and utilities.
Source Code Location for each Program¶
Main service | repo | location |
vic-cloud | repo | |
Offboard Vision | | |
Token client | | |
Voice stream | | |
vic-gateway | repo | in /gateway |
vic-switchboard | ||
vic-aim | ||
vic-engine | ||
vic-robot |
Bluetooth LE tools¶
Bluetooth LE implementations. There isn't an SDK for the Bluetooth LE protocol, but there are a few implementations that you might wish to look at/reuse:
Bluetooth LE implementations. There isn't an SDK for the Bluetooth LE protocol, but there are a few implementations that you might wish to look at/reuse: