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How to bring back the Snowglobe effect

It came up in the forums that Vector no longer played the SnowGlobe effect when shaken. Here is how to re-enable it.


You'll have to know how to SSH in, make the file system modifiable and edit a file. To make the file system modifiable:

mount -o rw,remount /

You will need to edit the following file:


first, make it write able (you can skip this if you know how to override it in vi)

chmod +w /anki/data/assets/cozmo_resources/config/engine/behaviorComponent/behaviors/victorBehaviorTree/globalInterruptions.json

Edit the top list of behaviors

Next edit the file:

vi /anki/data/assets/cozmo_resources/config/engine/behaviorComponent/behaviors/victorBehaviorTree/globalInterruptions.json

Look for the lines


Change the line




You can also leave both. The first item has higher priority.

Adjusting the shake threshold

you can tweak the threshold for the shaking:


Look for the block

    "conditionType" : "RobotShaken",
    "minAccelMagnitudeThreshold" : 16000

Change the "16000" a lower or higher number for the threshold.

The robot shaken file has a similar config:


Look for the same block as above, and change the threshold.

If you leave both "ReactToRobotShaken" and "ReactToRobotShakenSnowGlobe", have the first item with a higher number. If it is lower, it will always win.


Finally you have to restart the vic applications for the updates to load and take effect. This can be done with:

systemctl stop
systemctl start

or a reboot.